Address / 住まい Aichi / 愛知県
Age Of Children / 子供の年齢 10 , 7
Service Year / 勤続年数 2 Years / 2 年
事務経験は少ししかありませんが、何事にも挑戦していきたいです。特に経理に興味があるので、経験はありませんが、今後勉強して資格取得できるように頑張っていきたいです。 Although I have little office work experience, I like to explore various fields. As I am especially interested in accounting though I am new to this area, I am working toward getting a certificate.
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Comment / コメント
Although I have little office work experience, I like to explore various fields. As I am especially interested in accounting though I am new to this area, I am working toward getting a certificate.