Address / 住まい Saitama / 埼玉県
Age Of Children / 子供の年齢 1
Service Year / 勤続年数 7 Months / 7 ヶ月
【目標】 仕訳業務 決算業務 経理の経験は勤怠管理のみですが、簿記2級を取得したので、仕訳などの経理業務に挑戦してみたいです。 【Goals】 Journalizing operations, Closing of accounts duties. My bookkeeping experience is in attendance management. Since I have obtained my level 2 bookkeeping degree, I want to try in journalizing and other bookkeeping tasks as well.
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Comment / コメント
Journalizing operations,
Closing of accounts duties.
My bookkeeping experience is in attendance management. Since I have obtained my level 2 bookkeeping degree, I want to try in journalizing and other bookkeeping tasks as well.