Address / 住まい Miyazaki / 宮崎県
Age Of Children / 子供の年齢 19 , 17 , 15 , 13
Service Year / 勤続年数 1 Year / 1 年
目標は、経験・未経験問わず、いろんな事にどんどん挑戦して、スキルアップにつなげられて、次のステップに勧めるように、たくさん経験をし、多くの事を吸収していけるようにがんばります。 My goal is to try out various tasks regardless of experience in order to take my skills and progress to the next level. I am willing to gain a lot of experience, absorb a variety of things, and move forward to the next step.
≫ メルマガ登録はこちらから
Comment / コメント
My goal is to try out various tasks regardless of experience in order to take my skills and progress to the next level. I am willing to gain a lot of experience, absorb a variety of things, and move forward to the next step.