Address / 住まい Nara / 奈良県
Age Of Children / 子供の年齢 30 , 28 , 25
Service Year / 勤続年数 2 Years / 2 年
最近挑戦していることは、Excelの関数をうまく使いこなすこととタイピングを正確かつスピードを速くすることです。目標はリーダーママになり、案件メンバーとのコミュニケーションを上手く取りながらまとめていきたいです。 My current challenge is to use Excel functions well and improve my typing accuracy and speed. My goal is to become a Leader Mama, and I want to be able to communicate well with project members and put things together.
≫ メルマガ登録はこちらから
Comment / コメント
My current challenge is to use Excel functions well and improve my typing accuracy and speed.
My goal is to become a Leader Mama, and I want to be able to communicate well with project members and put things together.