Address / 住まい Kanagawa / 神奈川県
Age Of Children / 子供の年齢 13 , 7
Service Year / 勤続年数 4 Years / 4 年
Experience Leader Ship / リーダー経験 System Development / IT開発
WEBシステムの構築に長年携わってきました。 子育てとキャリアアップの両立目指して頑張ります! (できるだけ、子供を怒らないように・・・) I have been involved in building web systems for many years. I will do my best to balance parenting and career advancement at the same time. I try not to get angry at my children often...
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Comment / コメント
I have been involved in building web systems for many years. I will do my best to balance parenting and career advancement at the same time. I try not to get angry at my children often...