Address / 住まい Fukuoka / 福岡県
Service Year / 勤続年数 1 Year / 1 年
Experience Leader Ship / リーダー経験 Accounting / 経理General Affairs / 総務Human Resources / 人事Data Entry and Processing / データ入力
ダブルワークで活動していますが時間を有効に活用しながら取り組みたいと思いま明日。これまで営業や事務などを経験し、幅広い業務にチャレンジしたいと考えています! I am working two jobs and intend to tackle them both and make effective use my time. With previous experience in sales and office work; I am motivated to take on a wide range of tasks and challenges!
Comment / コメント
I am working two jobs and intend to tackle them both and make effective use my time. With previous experience in sales and office work; I am motivated to take on a wide range of tasks and challenges!